About the Paintings and Pictures which are Printed on Canvas in China where they are Shipped from.
The paintings are either copies of the original or reproductions.
There is anything from 1 image up to 40 images behind the titles to choose from.
All of the paintings are sold without frame and sent rolled up in professional and strong tube packaging to ensure the safety of the package in transportation. That also keep the price down. Packed weighs from 0.1 – 0.8 Kg / 0.22–1.76 pound, depends on the size of the picture.
Extra 3-5 cm (1-2 inch) is added on each end of the canvas for framing on most of the paintings, for example painting size 40x60cm (+ 2x5cm) is then 50x70cm. Please let us know if you want or don’t want those extra 3-5cm
Delivery time is from 7 to 30 days from the day the print is sent out (usually between 7-16 days)
If you would like to have another size of an artwork just contact us via the contact form with the sizes and title information and we will let you know.
Due to different brightness effects between computer monitors the color of paintings may be slightly different from display photos
Paintings Printed on HQ Canvas
• Spray Painting Technics
• Same Color as Original Design
• Environmental Friendly Giclée / Pigment Ink
• Quality Cotton & Polyester Canvas

Extra edge 3-5 cm (1-2 inch) is added on most of the paintings. Let let us know if you want or don’t want extra edge